Modul: Location map
local locMap = {}
-- Internationalization
local api = {
apiLocationMap = 'locationMap', apiAddLocation = 'addLocation', apiAddObject = 'addObject', apiGetMapValue = 'getMapValue', apiGetMapValueSet = 'getMapValueSet',
local errMsgs = {
anError = 'Fehler', unknownMap = 'Keine Karte für Region %s vorhanden', noMapImage = 'Kein Kartenbild spezifiziert', wrongLat = 'Breite %f liegt außerhalb der Kartenbegrenzungen', wrongLong = 'Länge %f liegt außerhalb der Kartenbegrenzungen', wrongXBorders = 'Fehlende oder falsche horizontale Kartengrenzen', wrongYBorders = 'Fehlende oder falsche vertikale Kartengrenzen', noObject = 'Kein Objekt angegeben', noXPos = 'Keine horizontale Lage angegeben', noYPos = 'Keine vertikale Lage angegeben', noParam = 'Kein Parameter für getMapValue angegeben', notDefined = 'Parameter nicht definiert',
local mapDocs = {
tableClass = 'prettytable', name = 'Name', description = 'Beschreibung', projection = 'Projektion', top = 'oben', bottom = 'unten', left = 'links', right = 'rechts', default = 'Standardkarte', relief = 'Physische Karte', mark = 'Marker', marksize = 'Markergröße', linear = 'Plattkarte', nonlinear = 'Nichtlineare Projektion',
-- Style aliases
local mapStyles = {
mitte = "margin: 0 auto !important", center = "margin: 0 auto !important", left = "clear: left; margin: 0 1em 1em 0; float: left", links = "clear: left; margin: 0 1em 1em 0; float: left", right = "clear: right; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; float: right", rechts = "clear: right; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; float: right",
local labelStyles = {
bold = "font-weight: bold", fett = "font-weight: bold", italic = "font-style: italic", kursiv = "font-style: italic", underline = "text-decoration: underline", letterspacing = "letter-spacing: 0.1em", wordspacing = "word-spacing: 0.5em", smallcaps = "font-variant: small-caps", uppercase = "text-transform: uppercase", region = "font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; color: #646464", subregion = "font-weight: bold; color: #646464", waterbody = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; letter-spacing: 0.1em; text-transform: uppercase; color: #2A6DB5", mountain = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; letter-spacing: 0.1em; color: #704040",
local labelPositions1 = {
["1"] = "left: 0; bottom: msize_px;", ["2"] = "left: msize3_px; bottom: -2px;", ["3"] = "left: msize5_px; top: -2em; height: 4em;", right = "left: msize5_px; top: -2em; height: 4em;", rechts = "left: msize5_px; top: -2em; height: 4em;", ["4"] = "left: msize3_px; top: -2px;", ["5"] = "left: 0; top: msize_px;", ["6"] = "left: -3em; top: msize3_px;", bottom = "left: -3em; top: msize3_px;", unten = "left: -3em; top: msize3_px;", ["7"] = "right: 0; top: msize_px;", ["8"] = "right: msize3_px; top: -2px;", ["9"] = "right: msize5_px; top: -2em; height: 4em;", left = "right: msize5_px; top: -2em; height: 4em;", links = "right: msize5_px; top: -2em; height: 4em;", ["10"] = "right: msize3_px; bottom: -2px;", ["11"] = "right: 0; bottom: msize_px;", ["12"] = "left: -3em; bottom: msize3_px;", top = "left: -3em; bottom: msize3_px;", oben = "left: -3em; bottom: msize3_px;", center = "top: -2em; height: 4em; left: -3em;", mitte = "top: -2em; height: 4em; left: -3em;",
local labelPositions2 = {
["1"] = "text-align: left;", ["2"] = "text-align: left;", ["3"] = "text-align: left; height: 4em;", right = "text-align: left; height: 4em;", rechts = "text-align: left; height: 4em;", ["4"] = "text-align: left;", ["5"] = "text-align: left;", ["6"] = "text-align: center;", bottom = "text-align: center;", unten = "text-align: center;", ["7"] = "text-align: right;", ["8"] = "text-align: right;", ["9"] = "text-align: right; height: 4em;", left = "text-align: right; height: 4em;", links = "text-align: right; height: 4em;", ["10"] = "text-align: right;", ["11"] = "text-align: right;", ["12"] = "text-align: center;", top = "text-align: center;", oben = "text-align: center;", center = "text-align: center; height: 4em;", mitte = "text-align: center; height: 4em;",
-- Local functions, please do not call them directly
local function split(s)
local split = mw.text.split(s, ';') local result = {} for key,value in pairs(split) do tr = mw.text.trim(value) if tr ~= then table.insert(result, tr) end end return result;
local function analyzeLabelStyle(style)
local split = split(style) for key,value in pairs(split) do if labelStyles[value] ~= nil then split[key] = labelStyles[value] end end return table.concat(split, '; ') .. ';'
local function analyzeMapStyle(style)
local split = split(style) for key,value in pairs(split) do if mapStyles[value] ~= nil then split[key] = mapStyles[value] end end return table.concat(split, '; ') .. ';'
local function setLocation(x, y, name, label, mark, marksize, labelStyle, labelWrap, labelPosition)
local lmarksize = math.floor(marksize + 0.5) local msize = math.floor((marksize - 1) / 2 + 0.5) local msize3 = math.floor((marksize + 2) / 2 + 0.5) local msize5 = math.floor((marksize + 4) / 2 + 0.5) local halfMarkSize = -msize .. 'px'
-- Setting a marker
local sCode = '
if mark ~= 'none' thensCode = sCode .. '
.. '' .. name .. ''
.. 'end
-- Adding a label if (label ~= ) and (label ~= 'none') thensCode = sCode .. '
<td style="border: none; padding: 0; vertical-align: middle; ' .. labelPositions2[labelPosition] else -- Automatic Estimation if y<=0.5 then sCode = sCode .. 'top: ' .. msize3 .. 'px; ' else sCode = sCode .. 'bottom: ' .. msize3 .. 'px; ' end if x<0.25 then sCode = sCode .. 'text-align: left; left: ' .. math.floor(3 - 60*x)/10 .. 'em;' .. '"><td style="border: none; padding: 0; vertical-align: middle; text-align: left;' else if x<0.75 then sCode = sCode .. 'text-align: center; left: -3em;' .. '">
' .. label .. ' |
endsCode = sCode .. '
return sCode
local function baseMap(mapImage, description, mapStyle, width, caption, captionStyle, captionInnerBorder, captionOuterBorder, x, y, name, label, mark, marksize, labelStyle, labelWrap, labelPosition, places)
local sCode = '
' if caption ~= then sCode = sCode .. '' end sCode = sCode .. '
' else sCode = sCode .. '0;">' end
sCode = sCode .. ' ' else sCode = sCode .. ' width: auto !important;">' end
sCode = sCode .. ' if (x<0) or (x>1) or (y<0) or (y>1) thensCode = sCode .. ' '
.. 'Fehlerhafte Koordinate ' .. name .. ' '
else sCode = sCode .. setLocation(x, y, name, label, mark, marksize, labelStyle, labelWrap, labelPosition) endsCode = sCode .. places .. ' |
' .. caption .. ' |
return sCode
-- Handling regional map data
local function getMapData(id)
local region = require('Modul:Location map data ' .. id) if (region ~= nil) and ( ~= nil) then['id'] = id return else return nil end
local function getMapObject(id)
local region = require('Modul:Location map data ' .. id) if (region ~= nil) and ( ~= nil) then['id'] = id return region else return nil end
local function linearX(data, long)
local left = data['left'] local right = data['right'] if (data == nil) or (left == nil) or (right == nil) or (left == right) then -- Error return -1 else if left < right then return (long - left) / (right - left) else if long < 0 then return (360 + long - left) / (360 + right - left) else return (long - left) / (360 + right - left) end end end
local function linearY(data, lat)
local top = data['top'] local bottom = data['bottom'] if (data == nil) or (top == nil) or (bottom == nil) or (top == bottom) then -- Error return -1 else return (lat - top) / (bottom - top) end
local function getX(anObject, long, lat)
if anObject.x ~= nil then return anObject.x(lat, long) else return linearX(, long) end
local function getY(anObject, long, lat)
if anObject.y ~= nil then return anObject.y(lat, long) else return linearY(, lat) end
local function getMapImage(data, which)
local image = data['default'] if (which ~= ) and (data[which] ~= nil) and (data[which] ~= ) then image = data[which] end return image
-- Parameters and error handling
local function argCheck(param, altValue)
if param == nil then return altValue else local val = mw.text.trim(param) if val == then val = altValue end return val end
local function errorStr(s)
return 'Fehler im Modul Location map: ' .. s .. ''
-- Map functions
local function apiLocationMap(args)
local map = argCheck(args['map'], 'missing') local success, mObject = pcall(getMapObject, map) if not success then return errorStr(string.format(errMsgs['unknownMap'], map)) else -- Error handling local errorMsgs = {} success = true -- Parameters check local mData = local description = if mData['description'] ~= nil then description = mData['description'] end
local lat = tonumber(argCheck(tostring(args['lat']), 0)) local long = tonumber(argCheck(tostring(args['long']), 0)) local x = getX(mObject, long, lat) if (x<0) or (x>1) then success = false if x == -1 then table.insert(errorMsgs, errorStr(errMsgs['wrongXBorders'])) else table.insert(errorMsgs, errorStr(string.format(errMsgs['wrongLong'], long))) end end local y = getY(mObject, long, lat) if (y<0) or (y>1) then success = false if y == -1 then table.insert(errorMsgs, errorStr(errMsgs['wrongYBorders'])) else table.insert(errorMsgs, errorStr(string.format(errMsgs['wrongLat'], lat))) end end
local maptype = argCheck(args['maptype'], 'default') local mapImage = argCheck(args['alternativeMap'], getMapImage(mData, maptype)) if (mapImage == nil) or (mapImage == ) then success = false table.insert(errorMsgs, errorStr(errMsgs['noMapImage'])) end if not success then return table.concat(errorMsgs, '
') else local name = argCheck(args['name'], ) local label = argCheck(args['label'], ) -- Checking width syntax local width = argCheck(tostring(args['width']), ) if (string.match(width, '^%d+$') == nil) and (string.match(width, '^%d*x%d+$') == nil) then width = '200x200' end if mData['mark'] ~= nil then mark = mData['mark'] else mark = 'Reddot.svg' end mark = argCheck(args['mark'], mark) if mData['marksize'] ~= nil then marksize = mData['marksize'] else marksize = 5 end local marksize = argCheck(args['marksize'], marksize) local mapStyle = argCheck(args['mapStyle'], 'mitte') local labelStyle = argCheck(args['labelStyle'], ) local labelBackground = argCheck(args['labelBackground'], ) if labelBackground ~= then labelBackground = 'background: ' .. labelBackground if labelStyle ~= then labelStyle = labelStyle .. '; ' .. labelBackground else labelStyle = labelBackground end end local labelWrap = argCheck(args['labelWrap'], 'auto') local labelPosition = argCheck(args['labelPosition'], 'auto') local caption = argCheck(args['caption'], ) local captionStyle = argCheck(args['captionStyle'], ) local captionInnerBorder = argCheck(args['captionInnerBorder'], '1px solid #cccccc') local captionOuterBorder = argCheck(args['captionOuterBorder'], '1px solid #cccccc') local places = argCheck(args['places'], )
return baseMap(mapImage, description, mapStyle, width, caption, captionStyle, captionInnerBorder, captionOuterBorder, x, y, name, label, mark, marksize, labelStyle, labelWrap, labelPosition, places) end end
local function apiAddLocation(args)
local map = argCheck(args['map'], 'missing') local success, mObject = pcall(getMapObject, map) if not success then return errorStr(string.format(errMsgs['unknownMap'], map)) else -- Error handling local errorMsgs = {} success = true
-- Parameters check local mData = local lat = tonumber(argCheck(tostring(args['lat']), 0)) local long = tonumber(argCheck(tostring(args['long']), 0)) local x = getX(mObject, long, lat) if (x<0) or (x>1) then success = false if x == -1 then table.insert(errorMsgs, errorStr(errMsgs['wrongXBorders'])) else table.insert(errorMsgs, errorStr(string.format(errMsgs['wrongLong'], long))) end end local y = getY(mObject, long, lat) if (y<0) or (y>1) then success = false if y == -1 then table.insert(errorMsgs, errorStr(errMsgs['wrongYBorders'])) else table.insert(errorMsgs, errorStr(string.format(errMsgs['wrongLat'], lat))) end end if not success then return table.concat(errorMsgs, '
') else local name = argCheck(args['name'], ) local label = argCheck(args['label'], )
if mData['mark'] ~= nil then mark = mData['mark'] else mark = 'Reddot.svg' end mark = argCheck(args['mark'], mark) if mData['marksize'] ~= nil then marksize = mData['marksize'] else marksize = 5 end local marksize = argCheck(args['marksize'], marksize) local mapStyle = argCheck(args['mapStyle'], 'mitte') local labelStyle = argCheck(args['labelStyle'], ) local labelBackground = argCheck(args['labelBackground'], ) if labelBackground ~= then labelBackground = 'background: ' .. labelBackground if labelStyle ~= then labelStyle = labelStyle .. '; ' .. labelBackground else labelStyle = labelBackground end end local labelWrap = argCheck(args['labelWrap'], 'auto') local labelPosition = argCheck(args['labelPosition'], 'auto')
return setLocation(x, y, name, label, mark, marksize, labelStyle, labelWrap, labelPosition) end end
local function apiAddObject(args)
local anObject = argCheck(args['object'], ) if anOject == then return errorStr(errMsgs['noObject']) else local success = true local errorMsgs = {} local right = argCheck(args['right'], ) local left = argCheck(args['left'], ) if (right == ) and (left == ) then success = false table.insert(errorMsgs, errorStr(errMsgs['noXPos'])) end local top = argCheck(args['top'], ) local bottom = argCheck(args['bottom'], ) if (top == ) and (bottom == ) then success = false table.insert(errorMsgs, errorStr(errMsgs['noYPos'])) end if not success then return table.concat(errorMsgs, '
') else local objectStyle = argCheck(args['objectStyle'], ) local objectBackground = argCheck(args['objectBackground'], ) if objectBackground ~= then objectBackground = 'background: ' .. objectBackground if objectStyle ~= then objectStyle = objectStyle .. '; ' .. objectBackground else objectStyle = objectBackground end end
sCode = '
' .. anObject .. ' |
return sCode end end
-- Documentation of map data
local function apiGetMapValue(args)
local map = argCheck(args['map'], 'missing') local success, mData = pcall(getMapData, map) if not success then return errorStr(string.format(errMsgs['unknownMap'], map)) else local param = argCheck(args['param'], ) if param == then return errorStr(errMsgs['noParam']) else if mData[param] == nil then return errMsgs['anError'] else return mData[param] end end end
local function apiGetMapValueSet(args)
local map = argCheck(args['map'], 'missing') local success, mData = pcall(getMapData, map) if not success then return errorStr(string.format(errMsgs['unknownMap'], map)) else local paramList = {'name', 'description', 'projection', 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'default', 'relief', 'mark', 'marksize'}
local sCode = '
' for i = 1, #paramList, 1 do sCode = sCode .. '' else local v = mData[paramList[i]] if mapDocs[v] ~= nil then v = mapDocs[v] end sCode = sCode .. v .. '' end end return sCode .. '
' .. mapDocs[paramList[i]] .. ' | '
if mData[paramList[i]] == nil thensCode = sCode .. errMsgs['notDefined'] .. ' |
-- API function calls
locMap[api.apiLocationMap] = function (frame)
return apiLocationMap(frame.args)
locMap[api.apiAddLocation] = function (frame)
return apiAddLocation(frame.args)
locMap[api.apiAddObject] = function (frame)
return apiAddObject(frame.args)
locMap[api.apiGetMapValue] = function (frame)
return apiGetMapValue(frame.args)
locMap[api.apiGetMapValueSet] = function (frame)
return apiGetMapValueSet(frame.args)
-- Example for usage in a Lua script
function locMap.exampleLuaCall()
local frame = {} frame.args = { map = 'de', lat = 52.51789, long = 13.38873, name = 'Berlin', label = 'Berlin', } return locMap.locationMap(frame)
return locMap