پرش به محتوا


از ویکی‌سفر، راهنمای آزاد سفر

نکته: پس از انتشار ممکن است برای دیدن تغییرات نیاز باشد که حافظهٔ نهانی مرورگر خود را پاک کنید.

  • فایرفاکس / سافاری: کلید Shift را نگه دارید و روی دکمهٔ Reload کلیک کنید، یا کلید‌های Ctrl-F5 یا Ctrl-R را با هم فشار دهید (در رایانه‌های اپل مکینتاش کلید‌های ⌘-R)
  • گوگل کروم: کلیدهای Ctrl+Shift+R را با هم فشار دهید (در رایانه‌های اپل مکینتاش کلید‌های ⌘-Shift-R)
  • Edge: کلید Ctrl را نگه‌دارید و روی دکمهٔ Refresh کلیک کنید، یا کلید‌های Ctrl-F5 را با هم فشار دهید
// based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Fran Rogers/dimorphism.js
// and on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Splarka/sysopdectector.js
/*global window, wgNamespaceNumber, wgTitle, wgFormattedNamespaces
wgArticlePath, importScriptURI*/
function UserinfoJsParseDate(utcDate) {
    // The ISO 8601 date format used by MediaWiki
    var s = /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)Z$/.exec(utcDate);
    if(s === null) {
        return null;
    var d = new Date();
    d.setUTCFullYear(s[1], s[2] - 1, s[3]);
    d.setUTCHours(s[4], s[5], s[6]);
    return d;
function UserinfoJsValidateIp(ip) {
    var ipSplit = ip.split(".");
    if(ipSplit.length != 4) {
        return false;
    if(ipSplit.map(function(s){return parseInt(s,10);}).join(".") != ip) {
        return false;
    return true;
function UserinfoJsFormatQty(qty, singular, plural) {
    return String(qty).replace(/\d{1,3}(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "$&,") + "\u00a0" + (qty == 1 ? singular : plural);
function EntoFa (txt) {
    var txt = txt.replace(/1/g, "۱").replace(/2/g, "۲").replace(/3/g, "۳").replace(/4/g, "۴").replace(/5/g, "۵").replace(/,/g, ".").replace(/6/g, "۶").replace(/7/g, "۷").replace(/8/g, "۸").replace(/9/g, "۹").replace(/0/g, "۰");
return txt;
function UserinfoJsFormatDateRel(old) {
// The code below requires the computer's clock to be set correctly.
            var age = new Date().getTime() - old.getTime();
            var ageNumber, ageRemainder, ageWords;
            if(age < 60000) {
                // less than one minute old
                ageNumber = Math.floor(age / 1000);
                ageWords = UserinfoJsFormatQty(EntoFa(String(ageNumber)), "ثانیه", "ثانیه");
            } else if(age < 3600000) {
                // less than one hour old
                ageNumber = Math.floor(age / 60000);
                ageWords = UserinfoJsFormatQty(EntoFa(String(ageNumber)), "دقیقه", "دقیقه");
            } else if(age < 86400000) {
                // less than one day old
                ageNumber = Math.floor(age / 3600000);
                ageWords = UserinfoJsFormatQty(EntoFa(String(ageNumber)), "ساعت", "ساعت");
                ageRemainder = Math.floor((age - ageNumber * 3600000) / 60000);
            } else if(age < 604800000) {
                // less than one week old
                ageNumber = Math.floor(age / 86400000);
                ageWords = UserinfoJsFormatQty(EntoFa(String(ageNumber)), "روز", "روز");
            } else if(age < 2592000000) {
                // less than one month old
                ageNumber = Math.floor(age / 604800000);
                ageWords = UserinfoJsFormatQty(EntoFa(String(ageNumber)), "هفته", "هفته");
            } else if(age < 31536000000) {
                // less than one year old
                ageNumber = Math.floor(age / 2592000000);
                ageWords = UserinfoJsFormatQty(EntoFa(String(ageNumber)), "ماه", "ماه");
            } else {
                // one year or older
                ageNumber = Math.floor(age / 31536000000);
                ageWords = UserinfoJsFormatQty(EntoFa(String(ageNumber)), "سال", "سال");
                ageRemainder =
                    Math.floor((age - ageNumber * 31536000000) / 2592000000);
                if(ageRemainder) {
                    ageWords += " " +
                        UserinfoJsFormatQty(EntoFa(String(ageRemainder)), "ماه", "ماه");
           return ageWords;
// If on a user or user talk page, and not a subpage...
if((mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 2 || mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 3) && !(/\//.test(mw.config.get('wgTitle')))) {   
    // add a hook to...
        // Request the user's information from the API.
        // Note that this is allowed to be up to 5 minutes old.
        // But if the user is an IP, do not look up. --PS 2010-05-16
        // Commented out to allow "last edit" lookups --PS 2010-06-27
        /* if(UserinfoJsValidateIp(mw.config.get('wgTitle'))) {
            // Code copied from bottom of callback function --PS 2010-05-16
            var fh = window.document.getElementById("firstHeading");
            var stDiv = window.document.createElement("div");
            stDiv.innerHTML = "An anonymous user";
            fh.parentNode.insertBefore(stDiv, fh.nextSibling);
        } */
        var et = encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgTitle'));
        var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
        x.open("GET", "/w/api.php?format=json&maxage=300&action=query&list=users|usercontribs&usprop=blockinfo|editcount|gender|registration|groups&uclimit=1&ucprop=timestamp&ususers=" + et + "&ucuser=" + et , true);
        x.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if(x.readyState != 4 || x.status != 200) {
            // When response arrives extract the information we need.
            var query = eval("(" + x.responseText + ")");
            if(!query.query) { return; } // Suggested by Gary King to avoid JS errors --PS 2010-08-25
            query = query.query;
            var user, invalid, missing, groups, editcount, registration, blocked, gender, lastEdited;
            try {
                user = query.users[0];
                invalid = typeof user.invalid != "undefined";
                missing = typeof user.missing != "undefined";
                groups = (typeof user.groups == "object") ? user.groups : [];
                editcount = (typeof user.editcount == "number") ? user.editcount : null;
                registration = (typeof user.registration == "string") ?
                    UserinfoJsParseDate(user.registration) : null;
                blocked = typeof user.blockedby != "undefined";
                gender = (typeof user.gender == "string") ? user.gender : null;
                lastEdited = (typeof query.usercontribs[0] == "object") &&
                    (typeof query.usercontribs[0].timestamp == "string") ?
                    UserinfoJsParseDate(query.usercontribs[0].timestamp) : null;
            } catch(e) {
                return; // Not much to do if the server is returning an error (e.g. if the username is malformed).
            // Format the information for on-screen display
            var statusText = "";
            var ipUser = false;
            // User status
            if(blocked) {
                statusText += "<a href=\"" +
                    "/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&amp;page=" + 
                    encodeURIComponent(wgFormattedNamespaces[2] + ":" + user.name) +
                    "&amp;type=block\">بسته شده</a> ";
            if (missing) {
                statusText += "کاربر ثبت‌نام نشده";
            } else if (invalid) {
                statusText += (ipUser = UserinfoJsValidateIp(user.name)) ? "کاربر ناشناس" : "بدون نام کاربری";
            } else {
                // User is registered and may be in a privileged group. Below we have a list of user groups.
                // Only need the ones different from the software's name (or ones to exclude), though.
                var friendlyGroupNames = {
                    // Exclude implicit user group information provided by MW 1.17 --PS 2010-02-17
                    '*': false,
                    'user': "کاربر",
                    'checkuser':"بازرس کاربر",
                    'autoconfirmed': false,
                    sysop: "مدیر",
                    'autopatrol':"گشت خودکار",
                    accountcreator: "سازنده حساب",
                    "import": "درون‌ریز",
                    registered:"ثبت‌نام کرده",
                    transwiki: "درون ریز بین‌ویکی‌ها",
                    "ipblock-exempt": "استثنای قطع دسترسی",
                    oversight: "پنهانگر",
                    //"registered user":"کاربر ثبت‌نام کرده",
                    confirmed: "کاربر تائیدشده",
                    abusefilter: "تنظیم کننده پالایه خرابکاری",
                    autoreviewer: "بازبینی‌خودکار" // Group has been renamed --PS 2010-07-06
                var friendlyGroups = [];
                for(var i = 0; i < groups.length; ++i) {
                    var s = groups[i];
                    if(friendlyGroupNames.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
                        if(friendlyGroupNames[s]) {
                    } else {
                switch(friendlyGroups.length) {
                    case 0:
                        // User not in a privileged group
                        // Changed to "registered user" by request of [[User:Svanslyck]]
                        // --PS 2010-05-16
                        // statusText += "user";
                        if(blocked) {
                            statusText += "user";
                        } else {
                            statusText += "registered user";
                    case 1:
                        statusText += friendlyGroups[0];
                    case 2:
                        statusText += friendlyGroups[0] + " و " + friendlyGroups[1];
                        statusText += friendlyGroups.slice(0, -1).join("، ") +
                            " و " + friendlyGroups[friendlyGroups.length - 1];
            // Registration date
            if(registration) {
                statusText += "، " + UserinfoJsFormatDateRel(registration) + " عمر ویکی‌نویسی";
            // Edit count
            if(editcount !== null) {
                statusText += "، با " +
                    "<a href=\"http://toolserver.org/~tparis/pcount/index.php?name=" +
                    encodeURIComponent(user.name) +
                    "&amp;lang=fa&amp;wiki=wikipedia\">" +
                    UserinfoJsFormatQty(EntoFa(String(editcount)), " ویرایش ", " ویرایش ") + "</a>";
            // Prefix status text with correct article
            if("AEIOaeio".indexOf(statusText.charAt(0)) >= 0) {
                statusText = statusText;
            } else {
                statusText = statusText;
            // Add full stop to status text
            statusText += ".";
            // Last edited --PS 2010-06-27
            // Added link to contributions page --PS 2010-07-03
            if(lastEdited) {
                statusText += " آخرین ویرایش وی، <a href=\"" + mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace("$1", "Special:Contributions/" + encodeURIComponent(user.name)) + "\">" +EntoFa(String(UserinfoJsFormatDateRel(lastEdited))) + " پیش بوده‌است.</a> دریافت اطلاعات ";
            // Show the correct gender symbol
            var fh = window.document.getElementById("firstHeading") ||
            // Add classes for blocked, registered, and anonymous users
            var newClasses = [];
            if(blocked) {
            if(ipUser) {
            } else if(invalid) {
            } else {
            fh.className += (fh.className.length ? " " : "") + groups.map(function(s) {
                return "ps-group-" + s;
            }).concat(newClasses).join(" ");
            /*var genderSpan = window.document.createElement("span");
            genderSpan.id = "ps-gender-" + (gender || "unknown");
            genderSpan.style.paddingLeft = "0.25em";
            genderSpan.style.fontFamily = '"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", "sans-serif"';
            genderSpan.style.fontSize = "150%";
            genderSpan.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
           var genderSymbol;
            switch(gender) {
                case "male": genderSymbol = "\u2642"; break;
                case "female": genderSymbol = "\u2640"; break;
                default: genderSymbol = ""; break;
            // Now show the other information. Non-standard? Yes, but it gets the job done.
            // Add a period after the tagline when doing so. --PS 2010-07-03
            var ss = window.document.getElementById("siteSub");
            ss = $(ss);
            var newel = $('<span/>').attr('id','ps-userinfo').html(statusText);